Contribute to a historical civil mobilization!
The Alternatiba movement has been raising the public climate change awareness for 2 years now. Alternatiba has organised bold climate-friendly initiatives, fun and educational events, has triggered the emergence of local pro-climate activits groups in France and Europe, and has published educational material to promote alternative and climate-friendly lifestyles and actions (termed “alternatives”).
Within 2 years, more than half a million people have participated to an Alternatiba Village of Alternatives, or to an Alternatiba Tour stage.
Alternatiba is now working on new, COP21-related projects:
– the Genial headQuarters will be the movement base-camp during COP21. It will also offer a permanent demonstration of alternatives in action in l’Ile-Saint-Denis for 15 days;
– the Global Village of Alternatives that will take place on December, 5-6 in Montreuil;
– daily non violent but determined actions and demonstrations during COP21;
– a collective reflection and debate on the future of the Alternatiba movement after COP21.
To conduct all these actions, we now need thousands of volunteers (please register here) … and financial support.
In fact, the budget that has been raised so far to fund the Genial headQuarters, the Global Village of Alternatives, some actions, the rental of equipement, including big tops, the subsistence of hundreds of volunteers for 15 days, the leaflets and posters printing etc… is quite small: 46 000 €. This budget will not be sufficient to cover all costs. Even with a highly cost-efficient budget management, we have estimated that we would be short of 35 000 € to conduct all our COP21-related projects.
This is why we are now calling for donations. Your contribution will both acknowledge all the good work already done, and ensure that Alternatiba will be able to keep fighting for climate justice during, and after COP21.
You can donate to Alternatiba:
– with your credit card, on our website through the secured payment platform Paypal
- through bank transfer:
Alternatiba Association Creditcoop Gare de l’Est
RIB 42559 00003 41020034488 10
IBAN FR76 4255 9000 0341 0200 3448 810
– by signing a check to Alternatiba addressed to: Alternatiba, 20, rue des Cordeliers 64 100 Bayonne
At the eve of COP21, French government grossly refuses financial support to Alternatiba
The French government has secured funds to support the public climate change awareness campaigns of civil society organisations during COP21. Alternatiba had asked €50,000 to the French government in November 2014, to support the Alternatiba movement, and especially the Alternatiba Tour.
The French government never answered the Alternatiba request, despite tens of reminders! At the occasion of a phone call to the French Ministry of Ecology in charge of the COP21 fund, Alternatiba representatives felt that the authorities did not like some of Alternatiba’s public statements and actions scheduled during COP21, which might explain their absence of answer. However, Alternatiba never accepts to exert censorship on its actions or statements in exchange of public funding, as mentioned in the Alternatiba Charter.
Alternatiba has informed the French Ministry of Ecology a few days ago that we were about to communicate on their long lasting absence of answer regarding our funding request, and their lack of respect toward our civil society, pro-climate organisation. We incidently received on November, 3rd the answer we had been expecting for 1 year: the French Ministry of Ecology refused to fund Alternatiba’s COP21-related actions.
Despite the fact that the Alternatiba European Coordination has contributed to raise the climate change awareness of more than half a million people, the French Ministry of Ecology answered our legitimate request with a lack of respect and courtesy that significantly reflects their absence of consideration for the pro-climate civil society movement.
Morevoer, we have just been informed that the Saint Pierre city council has refused to authorize the Village of Alternatives that should take place on Sunday in the French oversea island of La Réunion. At the eve of the COP21 (!), the Saint Pierre city authorities have forbidden a Village of climate-friendly Alternatives, arguing that it should negatively impact the ongoing regional elections campaign!
Despite all the fine speeches delivered on climate urgency, these events sadly reveal that the French public authorities do not really support the ordinary citizens that gather forces to practically fight against climate change, and sometimes even hinder their actions.
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