Global Village of Alternatives highlights

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Global Village of Alternatives highlights


11 themed zones, 275 alternatives, 20 countries represented: the Global Village of climate-friendly Alternatives program is rich and diverse.

Check out the festival highlights not to be missed on December 5th & 6th in Montreuil:

Saturday, 5th December

Village opening hours: 12:00 – 17:00

12:30-13:30 Global Village of Alternatives’ grand opening with street parade, batucada, street theatre … and speeches under the Jean Jaurès Place big tent
13:30-17:30 Non violent civil disobedience training by ANV-COP21
16:30-18:30 Alternatiba’s round table: “From local to global, pro-climate alternative lifestyles and struggles: how to build a climate justice movement?” Montreuil’s Town Hall ballroom, with Jon Palais, Margot Neyton and Khaled Gaiji from Alternatiba, Geneviève Azam from Attac France and Jihan Gearon from Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
17:00-23:00 Concerts in the Jean Jaurès Place big tent: Loca Tangata (world music), Zissis the Beast (slam rock punk), Waykikki Boys (cumbia electro surf), Tournée Générale (french songs) and Salim Jah Peter (roots reggae)


Sunday, 6th December

Village opening hours: 10:00 – 17:00

10:00-12:00 Discussion « How to fund the social and ecological transition ? », at the Parole Errante
12:00 196 requisitioned chairs summit, with the chair reapers and their booty, on Jaurès Place
15:00 HK et les Saltimbanks concert (acoustique), Jaurès place big tent
16:00-17:30 Village closing with spokesmen from all continents and art performances